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Please note: delivery takes 2 to 3 working days.
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About us

We are a small company focused on delivering the best natural skin care products.

With the amount of skin treatment that are on the market today, it is very frustrating trying to decide which brands are best for you. If you want something that can and will clear up any skin imperfections you may have, Skincareessentials is a great solution and will provide superb results. It truly is an excellent skin lightening treatment delivering on its promise, unlike most other competing products available on the market.

Needless to say, we are here to help you discover skin lightening products that actually work. It’s time to stop wasting money on skin treatment products built around false promises and stop dealing with your lack of confidence due to uneven skin. It’s time to start using the best of the best when it comes to skin lightening products.

Skincareessentials is a line introduced to South Africa to assist in acne scarring, pigmentation, uneven skin tone and clearer and fair skin. We are based in Pretoria and are able to courier Nationwide and International.

At Skincareessentials we take a holistic approach to our formulations. That is why our lightening skin treatments do not contain the damaging and toxic chemicals hydroquinone, benzonene and mercury.

All of our products are safe, natural and gentle.

With the right skin lightening cream from our range you can finally find your solution to dark, uneven skin and truly get fair skin once and for all. With the use of just one, simple, safe skin cream you can finally stop hiding behind all your skin’s imperfections… and reveal the truly beautiful you.

Please, ensure you read each product information before placing an order.

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What do we do?

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto

Our Mission

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto

History Of Us

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto

What can we do for you ?

My skin is very damaged, I dont know where to start. Can you guide me?

Adipiscing lacus ut elementum, nec duis, tempor litora turpis dapibus. Imperdiet cursus odio tortor in elementum. Egestas nunc eleifend feugiat lectus laoreet, vel nunc taciti integer cras. Hac pede dis, praesent nibh ac dui mauris sit. A nullam ut, tempus nulla. Rutrum orci sit commodo vivamus quam adipiscing, ullamcorper magna donec integer eget mauris quisque.

I have and always had very bad acne, can you help ?

Adipiscing lacus ut elementum, nec duis, tempor litora turpis dapibus. Imperdiet cursus odio tortor in elementum. Egestas nunc eleifend feugiat lectus laoreet, vel nunc taciti integer cras. Hac pede dis, praesent nibh ac dui mauris sit. A nullam ut, tempus nulla. Rutrum orci sit commodo vivamus quam adipiscing, ullamcorper magna donec integer eget mauris quisque.

I want to use your IV drip products. Do you have nurses around that can help?

Adipiscing lacus ut elementum, nec duis, tempor litora turpis dapibus. Imperdiet cursus odio tortor in elementum. Egestas nunc eleifend feugiat lectus laoreet, vel nunc taciti integer cras. Hac pede dis, praesent nibh ac dui mauris sit. A nullam ut, tempus nulla. Rutrum orci sit commodo vivamus quam adipiscing, ullamcorper magna donec integer eget mauris quisque.

Do I need supplements? Why?

Adipiscing lacus ut elementum, nec duis, tempor litora turpis dapibus. Imperdiet cursus odio tortor in elementum. Egestas nunc eleifend feugiat lectus laoreet, vel nunc taciti integer cras. Hac pede dis, praesent nibh ac dui mauris sit. A nullam ut, tempus nulla. Rutrum orci sit commodo vivamus quam adipiscing, ullamcorper magna donec integer eget mauris quisque.

What Our Customers Say?

This company is amazing. I’m 3 shades lighter, people think I’m forever glowing.

I’ve used the Acne & Hyperpigmentation and my skin is really responding well. I had a mild rash and it’s clearing up nicely. The products are really working well with my skin. Can’t wait to see what my skin will look like.

Thank you for the amazing products!!

I use Kojie San Soap and the retinol Serum my face was in a bad way… large pores, lines in some places, acne, blackheads, whiteheads etc. Now I am pleased to inform that After just one week of using the Kojie San Soap and retinol Serum my skin feels amazing. I can only imagine what’s to come and I am so excited. I will definitely be ordering the glutathione tablets from this website
Excited because I have finally found something that works. Thank you.????

Excellent seller; friendly and easy to communicate with. Already feeling a difference in my skin after two days.